Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The dream becomes reality after all these years....

You know in my preparations for our trip. I found two new pieces of wall art that are simply perfect for this journey we embark on this week to finally make this dream of becoming parents to Jailyn a reality. The wall art hangs in Jailyn's bathroom. They say "Happiness is in the Journey and to treasure the moments" and "Life takes us to unexpected places and love brings us home." It is only through great love that all things are possible. The impossible fate of being unable to have children gets all washed away this weekend. I (We) are already blessed beyond measure to have this awesome opportunity to parent a little girl who was born in China but in our hearts forever. I am so humbled that I get such an incredible gift of being a mom. I hope you will follow our journey. WE leave Thursday arrive in China Saturday and our baby girl joins our family Sunday at 4pm which is 4am while you are sleeping here in Ohio. I ask for prayers for safe travel and for our little girl to know this transition will be okay. The love will take her in and bring her home in our arms.

How am I feeling? I am calm and ready to begin our journey to China. For I have held onto God's word that he will not forsake me and has double blessings coming for our trouble. I hang onto the Jeremiah 29:11 scripture listed at the bottom of my blog. God has great plans for us and this little girl who has no idea what is about to happen in her little life. I have had some strange dreams working out the fears of the unknown which actually give me peace that I am dealing with my emotions. And Mike and I are good. We had our last date night at the levee (dinner, movie and ice cream), been safety proofing the house, have the car seat figured out and in the car (thanks to the local fireman who helped us install) and enjoying a pre-maternity/pre-paternity leave this week. The love, blessings and incredible support are so overwhelming and powerful at times. At church on Sunday the message was for graduates who started their journey with baby steps and what a journey it had been for them to reach their milestone. The sermon spoke to me and was so much like this 5 1/2 year journey for our adoption. Happiness is found in the journey as we follow our path to realize our dreams...... The communion song was after the sermon and it spoke volumes to me, "I will be with YOU" and when it began to play the tears welled up and could not be stopped as the reality hit home that God has had HIS big plan BIGGER THAN I EVER IMAGINED all along for Jailyn to join our family. His timing is Perfect.

So Jailyn is packed with a bag just under the 50 lb limit. Lots of darling outfits, bottles, formula, diapers and a drugstore full of every remedy we may need. Mike and I pack tomorrow and have our last day doing the things we love. Mike is playing golf and I am going to be pampered and shop. Then we travel late afternoon on Thursday to LA then Guangzhou then Nanchang.

We could not be happier for our dream to become a reality. I have downloaded a special internet provider that will by pass the Chinese govt blocks of blogs and facebook so as long as I have internet connection I can update from China.

I appreciate all your love and support and can't wait to post her first pictures with us. So happy and blessed beyond words.....The new mom to be.....we are on our way to the hospital and it happens to be in China where the stork will deliver Jailyn in our arms.

1 comment:

Ron T said...

I am excited for you both. I will think of you often today as you travel and as you meet and hold Jailyn to bring her home. LOVE, Ron