Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day of bonding with Jailyn!

We totally hung out today in the room. It was bonding time with Jailyn. Daddy and Jailyn had big time fun today playing and learning new things together. Mommy got organized and is quickly learning this mommy thing! We are blessed and feel she is bonding nicely yet teething and unhappy with pain. It was a big day because she pooped! Yippee Jailyn! All bodily functions are working! It is raining here in Nanchang. Going to stay around here and not venture to her hometown. I would fear for our life taking a van an hour and 1/2 away with the way they drive in China (we fear for our lives as a passenger and pedestrian in the streets) and we can not visit the orphanage. They said her finding place was outside the gate of the Feng Cheng Children's Department at the SWI aka the orphanage gate on the day she was born. No other details. When we asked questions not much info was really given. The answers were things we pretty much knew from referral. We did get her schedule and she is pretty much eating and naping and sleeping as stated. We will venture out tomorrow as long as it is not raining. Nanchang is the Porcelain capital of China. Hope to get a tea set keepsake for Jailyn from her province in China. We are looking forward to Guangzhou which will be more like a resort area and time for adventure and fun. Need to bond and take care of Jailyn and her needs as she is getting use to us. She does not like lying on her back and being put down for her nap and bedtime. We think they took her from her foster mom while sleeping and brought her to us as she was dressed in PJ like clothing on gotcha day. That trauma is evident but she loves Mike and me already (as Mike would say how could she not with us as her mom and dad). She does not answer to Jailyn at all. I called her Xiang Ting and she smiled real big and lit up. Broke my heart as we are changing her name and the only identity she has known. She had a tough day and night teething and would not take an afternoon nap so bedtime was tough. She is such a good sleeper and very peaceful as we do not hear a peep out of her. We are so in love with our baby girl.


shelley said...

cute cute cute....maybe some tylenol for teething would help her day too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mike and Linette! We're so unbelievably happy for you! She is absolutely gorgeous and we can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family!

Chris & Alyssa

Joe said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! LOVE the Little Sister outfit and glad to hear that she's sleeping pretty well. Take care - can't wait to see all of you.

Twinkle said...

Awww she's so beautiful, congratualtions!

girlschmidty said...

Darling! Glad you are learning the mommy thing quickly! Enjoy the days in China, believe it or not you'll miss China when you're gone! Loved reading your posts and seeing pictures.

Autumn (and Margaret too, she's here with me)