Sunday, August 14, 2011

13 months old and such a gift to us!

Wow the weeks are just flying by and we have had Jailyn 9 weeks today and she turned 13 months old Aug 11. Even brought out another toy we had for her hide in her closet, the Princess mobile. She is figuring it out and pulls herself up and stands by it and plays with all the princess noises. She mimics sounds and things Mike and I do. She loves the buzzing sounds of her bee toy which I adore because it reminds me to bee-lieve always in Gods goodness for our lives. BELIEVE means Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everytime. She has been playing us at night time since she can stand in her crib now. When she does not want to go to sleep which is usually always we rock her and get her asleep and then put her in her crib and then she wakes up a little and gets up and stands and screams (faking a lot of drama) then we pick her up and she smiles and stops then we do it again and the same thing one more time and then the last time we let her fuss for five minutes she gets mad and then we pick her up and rock to asleep and she is out. She is so smart and playing us and loves being a big stuff standing in her crib.

I have been on the internet researching the area she came from and found out lots and been on a research china site with pictures of the area and the orphanage and pictures of many of the fostered kids and their foster mothers. We have no information but the picture in the paper of her abandonment and her adoption docs stating where she was found and know she was in foster care. I found out the following that FengCheng has a population of 1.2 million and 51% are male and 48% female and the city means Harvest city which is only 37 miles from Nanchang the capital where they brought Jailyn to us. The majority of the people work in the rice fields, tea fields, coal mining industry and the area produces pork, chickens, beef, shrimp, fish and duck. Both husbands and wives work together and the grandparents raise the boy children. It is a poor area and most have very little education. Their census stated 1% attend university, 28% attend High school, 51% attend primary school and 19% never attended school. There is 21% of the population that have adult illiteracy and of that 11% are men and 31% are women. The households usually consist of a husband and wife, husbands parents and one male child. Since researching FengCheng I have thought so much about Jailyn's birth parents and feel so blessed we were chosen to be her mom and dad. I am so grateful we are able to give Jailyn a happy life with lots of love and opportunity to realize her hopes and dreams in her life. We have the honor of giving her wings to become the person she is called to be. How awesome is that! Our misfortune of being unable to have our own biological children has been the biggest blessing of all as we would not have this amazing little girl from China that rocks our world with love and newness of life and brings so much joy into our home. Life is a precious gift from God and we must cherish everyday and celebrate the blessing we have daily. This little girl has changed our lives and things are quite different at the Thornbury home and it is the norm now and I know the best is yet to come. Checkout these pictures on her princess mobile with her BEE on her head looking a bit puzzled and climbing up to stand by our couch which she does so many times in a day... can't wait for her to walk however Mike and I know she will be into everything and we must be on our toes watching her....

Truly blessed and very happy!

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