Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jailyn's first hair cut!

Well it is September and time is flying by.....Jailyn needed her hair trimmed and Colleen one of my best girlfriends who is a hairdresser trimmed her hair. Once again she was so good and had her mum mums and baby gold fish on hand to keep her happy as Colleen trimmed her hair. Colleen will be Jailyn's care giver on Tuesday and Thursday so I can work those days. They are already buddies and I know will do great together. I feel so blessed and comfortable having Colleen and her family with Jailyn at our home and out in about as needed. See the before, during and after photos. She looks so grown up with her hair trimmed. I am excited I feel like it is back to school in our home as I am heading back to work and excited to get back to my business and make it work as my goal was always to be a work from home momma. Enjoy the photos. Happy Labor Day weekend!