Monday, November 23, 2009

November Update/Thanksgiving!

Not much to update as there have been no referrals this month only word they may not come until December. Could it be H1N1 who knows? Could it be the changing of the new director for the China Adoption Affairs holding referrals up who knows? So we count our blessings and wait with patience.....We have a wonderful family and so much to be thankful for in our household. Scott is home on leave for a week and then off to Military Law school in San Diego for the Navy and then he has orders for Japan for 2 years. He is so excited and wanted to see the world and God is providing. Katie and Billy are nailing down wedding plans and the excitement is building as we approach the 10 months and counting until Oct 2, 2010, their Big Day. Katie bought her dress and her Dad and I were able to see her try it on this past weekend. It is gorgeous and we are so happy for her and Billy as they build their lives together and it has been worth the wait for them both. They are so happy.

We celebrated our Thornbury Thanksgiving yesterday. We got our Tom Turkey from the Tewes Turkey farm and Mike brined and cooked and even trained Scott in Turkey cooking Techniques. We made a day of it Bengals game they lost (boo!), Thanksgiving with our little family: Mike and his hot sausage stuffing (yummy), Katie's slammin green bean casserole, pumpkin muffins and appetizers, my awesome taters, gravy and apple caramel cheesecake. Needless to say we were stuffed and ready for a nap. However we count our blessing we could be together as Scott will not make it home for Christmas and Katie and Billy will be in Atlantic City with his folks. We are blessed and can't wait until Jailyn will join us at Thanksgiving. However that will be when China says it is time.

I have had to go through another grief period and move on with my life and get to acceptance once again of it being later not sooner. However wonderful blessings are happening everywhere I met a customer at a party who has 2 little girls from china and she has been such an encouragement and even sent me a great new book that makes me cry called Silent Tears about an american in China volunteering in the orphanages. I want more than ever to get our baby out of the orphanage sooner than later so pray we will get a young baby so she does not have to suffer long w/o us. And I have an incredible new Bible study buddy who has been another source of great encouragement. Not to mention all our wonderful friends and family who press on with us as we continue on this journey.

So pray for Jailyn, Mike and I and cherish the blessings!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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