Wednesday, October 8, 2008

LID 06-13-2006 / October Update

The China Adoption Affairs site officially moved another 6 days and was later coming this month because of the Moon Festival that China closes down for the first week of October. We believe we are still on track for a March or April referral in 2010 and traveling to pick up Jailyn two months after referral. Hoping it will speed up as many of the websites have been forcasting attrition rates for families pulling out of the China program and that is good news for us. Especially if it speeds things up and gets us ahead due to attrition. However it is sad that some people have given up. We are staying the course. September was a wonderful busy month for us as we went on our last we think tropical vacation before Jailyn comes. We spent a week in Jamaica and had a fabulous trip while Hurricane Ike plowed through Cincinnati with a big ole wind storm that knocked power out for days and we were so glad we missed the excitement. We came home to trees down and spoiled food in our fridge due to the power outage but it was all replace-able. We were blessed to be away and spared any hardship. Next year we plan on going to see Scott in Seattle and possibly go for an Alaskan Cruise and explore the Northwest. Then the next trip to China!!!! Woohoo! What a day that will be when we finally travel to complete our family! Scott survived his survival training in San Diego, lost 9 pounds, endured starvation and psychological torture . He is now officially moved to Seattle in the Whidbey Island area and now on leave travelling in Thailand for fun and relaxation. Katie and Billy were in Cabos Mexico while we were in Jamaica and had a fabulous action packed all inclusive trip with friends. We are so happy for Katie as it appears she has found her soulmate in Billy and they are having the time of their lives dating. Mike went to his St I's golf outing and came home a little more tired and soar from way too much golf for 52 year old and then I was off to French Lick this past weekend for my Mary Kay Fall Retreat. But most importantly we just celebrated our 7th Anniversary and we could not be happier as God continues to reveal His will for our lives together and we are truly blessed. So until our next post in November.....We love you and appreciate you checking in on our blog.

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