Sunday, July 31, 2011

7 weeks with Jailyn - July 31!!!!

Wow today is another milestone 7 weeks with Jailyn! We have been home 5 weeks and I feel we are finally in the groove with Jailyn. It has been such an adjustment after waiting so long to be parents. Mike and I are very independent and busy people and have slowed down our lives and now it is Jailyn schedule incorporated into a slower pace lifestyle and more at home. It is just what two very structured people needed to rock their world. We love her so much and still have very surreal moments that we are parents to Jailyn who we waited for a lifetime. We are very proud to be Jailyn's mommy and daddy. She is an amazing little girl who is a blessing to our lives daily. She is growing and learning so much and very determined to walk sooner than later and starting to scoot on her belly but not real interested in crawling. She constantly wants us to help her walk. She is impatient and wants to get moving to explore more things she can get her hands on in our home. It is so fun to watch her and see how everything is so new and interesting to her. She has learned to clap and do patty cake which she loves and the dancer in me has her dancing and moving every time she hears music. We got her a walker and it is helping her build leg strength to get moving. She went swimming today for the first time and loved it and fell under once and was a trooper and so cute in her tankini (which I did not get a picture but will next time we swim). We have a busy week, my Mary Kay unit is doing a Baby warming, we will have a play date with her Chinese girlfriend, Alyssa, and have our well check at the pediatrician which means shots. Looking forward to the month of August still on maternity leave and getting more in a schedule to get back working 3 days a week starting in September.

Blessed and enjoying the Journey with Jailyn....

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